Sunday, March 19, 2006

San Francisco Streets

As transportation driver, both Cab and Limo......I have to say that the condition of the city streets is deplorable. They just suck. I'm sure residents will say the same. Try driving down Valencia st. Who is responsible ? You guessed right......Mayor Gavin Newsome !! He needs to be replaced for many other reasons, as well. Let's all start a campaign to find a new person for Mayor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on BJ!

Newsom is a great and courageous man, standing up for his city and it's residents. It's the Federal Government and BUSH that have made things so tight with tax cuts, WAR money, a huge deficit, cutting money for transportation and roads and HEALTH CARE etc this has hurt ALL CITIES. Would you agree to a road fee charge for vehicles in the city, I DOUBT IT!!!! Would you rather Newsom cut medical services at General Hospital. Get Bush Ou of the WHITE HOUSE and vote DEMOCRATIC or GREEN but screw the republicans!!!!!

Tom B

8:35 AM  

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