Monday, December 19, 2005

The French Connection

Before I get into the French Connection I will have to let all know that" he" wrote me about the Cab driver I sent I was busy. You know whom I'm talking about !!

Remember the story about the Software Company? Well the President is from Paris, France. Simply a fantastic individual. His wife to be soon is from Switzerland. Although she speaks French as well. And she to, is in the Software Business. Although not the same company. They both came to SF via Boston. And prior to Boston, Paris. And have been here about 2yrs. Also, have met both their parents and his brother. This truely has been a great business relationship. Sometimes he is hard to understand. When he speaks English fast...guess what? Almost sounds like something between French and English. Have had losts of Fun playing Tour Directer, sending them off to all those great historical locations in Northern California. And many many points of interest.

By the way he did have a conversation with the new admin. person I had a "run-in" with over Transportation service for their staff. Sure I won't have any more problems with her !!

Now, remember the American in Paris? The writer?

Oh, my diner is ready....salmon. Rusty is sitting near by waiting to see what drops his way....wrong.

Back to finish up................oh, the salmon was scrumptous !!

The President of the Software Company had left for Snow Bird near Salt Lake City for the week-end. Dropped heand his lady the house keys to pass on to their friend coming in from LA. His friend is also from Paris. Works in LA. I pick-up him and his "Knock-out" Girl friend. You guessed it.from Paris as well.Only she didn't speak much English. Took them to the Presidents house. And gave them ideas and places to visit while in SF. Told them not to miss the DeYoung Museum in GG Park.

Wish I could use first names!! Would be so much easier to keep track of people for me and you both

Anyhow, all these French people all just FANTASTIC to get to know. Now I don't agree with other Americans who have negative things to say about the French. They are all wrong.

And yes, I've been to Paris myself years ago. Forgot to mention that the Frenchman from LA knows the address of the writer that lives in Paris.

Unfortunately, I have to close to get ready to watch CSI Miami. So I'll get back to you about what the "You know who" said about the other Cab Driver I sent.


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